
Integrating Funding Applications into my Program

Funders typically link their eligibility requirements to key milestones in graduate education. As such, applicants should carefully consider their intended funders' requirements in relation to their stages in graduate study.

During the first or second year of a research-based PhD or master's program, students may be eligible for early graduate study fellowships. These prestigious, multi-year awards support the student's living expenses, and sometimes provide money for tuition or fees, access to equipment, or a modest research allowance.

Early in the research phase of a thesis or dissertation, students may be eligible for research grants. These include a vast array of funders, and eligibility is often determined by the specific research project. Some students may be eligible for fellowships at this stage of study as well.

During the next-to-last year of dissertation work, PhD students may be eligible to apply for completion fellowships to support their living expenses during the final year of dissertation writing.

Finally, during the final year of doctoral work, PhD candidates may become eligible to apply for postdoctoral fellowships to support the next stage of study. GradFund assists students applying for prestigious, national or international postdoctoral fellowships with annual competitions.